Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blondie Cupcakes with Maple Butter Frosting

For a long time Jess had been telling me how her and her husband, on occasion, will stop after dinner simply to get this Maple Butter Blondie dessert. Well this past August, I decided to try to recreate the irresistible dessert in cupcake form.

I used the Blondie Cupcake recipe from the Martha Stewart website. It can be found at the following link:

Oooh, I should also mention that I was going through a craze where I thought that everything mini was extra fabulous. So, of course, these Blondies are in mini-form. The cupcakes tasted delish. The toffee pieces in them, in my opinion, was unexpected, but a nice little surprise. They added this great chewy factor to the little cakes. I should mention, though, if you are looking for the typical moist, cake-like texture in this little aren't going to find it. This recipe could easily be slapped in an 8x8 pan and turned into bars. I took some creative liberties and also added about a cup of white chocolate baking chips to the recipes. My addition was well received and I can't actually imagine the recipe without them.

While the cakes could have stood alone, I really wanted to try to recreate the maple butter flavor that Jess had been raving about. So, I turned to the ever faithful Google and found a maple butter frosting recipe. The recipe can be found at the following website: The frosting was delicious and certainly was the buttery maple flavor I was looking for. Here is a picture of the final product. I wish it would have turned out better, but... you get the idea.

I think doing them in "mini" ended up being the right decision. Like I said earlier, the cupcakes could stand on their own whether as cupcakes or as bars. With the maple butter frosting, they do get sweeter and could, perhaps be too sweet for some people. Great with a glass of milk or a cup of joe. While I don't think that they topped Jess' traditional go to Blondies, she thought they were a hit as well. I was worried my coworkers weren't going to eat them as some of them had toppled over during transport. Let me tell you they were gone before I knew it!!!

Bake on!


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